Planting Cabbages for summer!
Cabbage plants are now available from the frames by the Trading Hut if you haven't managed to grow your own from seed. (Just put your money in the post box in the shop if it isn't open.)
Plant in firm soil. If you dug over your cabbage patch in the autumn, digging in compost or manure, it is best not to disturb the ground at all before planting. Just hoe over the surface to remove weed seedlings ready for planting. If you need to dig, tread the soil down to firm it.
Digging a hole for each plant, use a bulb planter if you wish, lime the hole and the excavated soil with about a tablespoonful - even if you limed the patch earlier. This reduces the chance of Clubroot affecting any of the Brassica family. The disease lasts in the soil for many years once introduced so the precaution is very sensible.
Once planted, a small mat round each plant limits the chance of the Cabbage root fly laying its eggs next to the plant.
When you come to plant the taller brassicas like Brussel Sprouts it sometimes pays to excavate a 4" depression for each plant before planting as above. It helps to keep water near the roots and aids earthing up the stem to help stabilise the tall plants.
Keep the plants watered and an application of fertiliser once well established helps get good solid hearts.
Plant in firm soil. If you dug over your cabbage patch in the autumn, digging in compost or manure, it is best not to disturb the ground at all before planting. Just hoe over the surface to remove weed seedlings ready for planting. If you need to dig, tread the soil down to firm it.
Digging a hole for each plant, use a bulb planter if you wish, lime the hole and the excavated soil with about a tablespoonful - even if you limed the patch earlier. This reduces the chance of Clubroot affecting any of the Brassica family. The disease lasts in the soil for many years once introduced so the precaution is very sensible.
Once planted, a small mat round each plant limits the chance of the Cabbage root fly laying its eggs next to the plant.
When you come to plant the taller brassicas like Brussel Sprouts it sometimes pays to excavate a 4" depression for each plant before planting as above. It helps to keep water near the roots and aids earthing up the stem to help stabilise the tall plants.
Keep the plants watered and an application of fertiliser once well established helps get good solid hearts.