what is an allotment, how to apply, how to apply for a bigger plot, reporting problems and bird flu restrictions
what is an allotment, how to apply, how to apply for a bigger plot, reporting problems and bird flu restrictions
As winners of the coveted GREEN FLAG AWARD for our eleventh consecutive year, we fly our flag with great pride.
Green Flay Awards say "The Green Flag Award® scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world."
Green Flay Awards say "The Green Flag Award® scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world."
allotmentsAt Roeshot Hill Allotments we have over 260 plots,.
A full plot is 10 rods (250 sq m) and a half plot is 5 rods (approx. 125 sq m) The site is own by Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council (the landlords). All plot holders pay a licence fee of £9.10 per rod to the Parish Council as the rent for the plot. For this the Parish Council provide:
The only other cost to plot holdings is an annual subscription, paid to Roeshot Hill Allotment Association, of £6. This subscription covers:
applying for an allotmentYou will be eligible for an allotment if you are a resident of, and your household pays council tax, within the Christchurch Town Council, Parishes of Highcliffe/Walkford, Burton or Hurn, (these are the areas formerly held by the Christchurch Borough Council).
We have a short waiting list and you would be welcome to join it. Simply come up to the allotments on a Sunday morning between 10 and 12 to fill in the form at the Trading Hut, (the three storage containers visible from the gate). The list is in order of application and strictly adhered to. When your name is top of the list, you will be contacted when an allotment become available. Please note: you will only be offered a 5 rod plot initially. applying for more space Existing tenants can request a bigger plot, or a second plot by re-registering on the waiting list, (even if you want the one next to your existing plot), ready for when one become available. |
highcliffe and walkford parish councilshould you need to contact the parish council:
you can email: to go to their website: or by post: Nicky France (Assistant Clerk) Highcliffe and Walkford Parish Council Old School House 254 Lymington Road Highcliffe Dorset, BH23 5ET The National Allotment Society the RHAA is affiliated to the National Allotment Society (NAS) they can be contacted through their website: |
Damage or Theft - As the allotments are left largely unattended, occasionally we suffer problems with thefts and vandalism. Please be assured that RHAA has security cameras on the site at key points which are regularly checked with all useful information passed to the police. There is also an on going program of hedge and fence maintenance to reduce access to the allotments. The last person out in the evening should padlock the front gates securely.
Should you notice any wilful damage or theft , please report this to the police immediately, and get a crime reference number.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES APPROACH anyone you suspect of the crime yourself, no matter how confident or annoyed you may be - leave it to the police.
Then if you would also let us know and we can respond to issues affecting members on the site. We depend on you to keep us informed.
Storm Damage - In high winds, lightweight greenhouses, fences and sheds may move. If your neighbours lands on your plot or any other natural damage is occuring, please let us know and we can contact them urgently.
Maintenance Issues - if you see anything that needs doing, please let us know.
Trespass on your allotment - Please do not approach any trespasser on your plot for fear that bad feelings could result in reprisals or affray. There may well be a simple reason for someone to be on your plot without your permission, such as retrieving something that has gone over the fence by accident, but it you are not sure leave it up to the committee to deal with. Contact us below and we will sort the issue for you.
Complaints - the Committee are currently working on a new complaints procedure which will appear here shortly.